Saturday 26 June 2010


I read this article and find it very interesting. Its about meditations and breathing exercises.

On De-stressing There are many things you can do that will help you to de-stress, feel better and maintain a better state of mind. When you’re facing a stressful situation, you can reduce your stress simply by deep breathing. Deep breathing involves not only the lungs but also the abdomen. To experience abdominal breathing, sit comfortably with your back straight. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale through your nose and the hand on your stomach should begin to rise. Your other hand should move very little. Exhale as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. Once again, the hand on your stomach should move in as you exhale, but your other hand should move very little.

If you have a hard time breathing from your abdomen sitting up, lie on the floor, put a small book on your stomach, and try to breathe so that the book rises as you inhale and falls as you exhale. Breathing techniques can be practiced almost anywhere and can be combined with other relaxation exercises, such as aromatherapy and music. All you really need is 10 minutes a day and a place to stretch out.

Breathing Exercises Muscle Relaxation You can combine deep breathing with the controlled contracting and relaxing of muscles to achieve an additional level of relief from stress:

* Loosen your clothing and get comfortable.

* Tighten the muscles in your toes. Hold for a count of 10. Relax and enjoy the release of tension.

* Flex the muscles in your feet. Hold for a count of 10. Relax.

* Move slowly up through your body — legs, abdomen, back, neck, face — contracting and relaxing muscles as you go.

* Breathe deeply and slowly.

When you meditate you bring together all of the mind’s energies and focus them on a word, a sound, a symbol, a comforting image, or your own breathing. The optimal setting for meditation is a quiet, clean place. People typically meditate sitting on the floor or in a chair with their eyes closed.

Meditation involves both effort and passive participation. It takes effort to bring your attention back to your chosen focus but you also become simply a witness to everything that happens: random thoughts, sensory input, body sensations, such as itches and cramps and external stimuli. As a result, you incorporate them into the meditation experience. All meditation practices involve the development of mindfulness — being fully engaged in whatever is happening in the present moment, without analyzing or otherwise “over-thinking” the experience.

A variation of traditional meditation involves guided imagery or visualization. If you use this method, you’ll imagine a scene in which you feel at peace, able to let go of all concerns and tensions. In guided imagery, audio instructions help you visualize the scene, focus your thoughts and relax.

You don’t have to be seated or still to meditate. In walking meditation, mindfulness involves being focused on the physicality of each step — the sensation of your feet touching the ground, the rhythm of your breath while moving, feeling the wind against your face.

Yoga is a broad term for a series of personal practices, which bring together your physical, mental and spiritual resources with the goal of attaining a state of wholeness and completeness. The term yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning “to unite.”

There are many forms of yoga, and all have a spiritual component. Most Westerners practice hatha yoga, which focuses on the physical aspects. Yoga teaches you a series of stationary and moving poses called asanas and a form of breath control known as pranayama, as well as concentration techniques.

Yoga postures are designed to balance the different systems of the body, including the central nervous, the endocrine (glandular, and the digestive systems. By slowing down your mental activity, taking your mind off the causes of stress, and having you gently stretch your body in ways that massage your internal organs, yoga helps you create dynamic peacefulness within yourself.

Tai Chi Tai Chi is a self-paced, non-competitive series of slow, gentle, flowing body movements that emphasize concentration, relaxation, and the conscious circulation of vital energy throughout the body. Though Tai Chi was first developed as a martial art during the 13th century, it is primarily practiced today as a way of calming the mind, conditioning the body, and reducing stress. As in meditation, Tai Chi practitioners focus on their breathing and keeping their attention in the present moment.

Tai Chi is considered less strenuous and challenging than yoga and is generally safe for people of all ages and levels of fitness. Because the movements are low impact, it’s often appealing to older adults, people with joint pain, and those recovering from injuries. It can also improve balance and reduce the risk of falls. Once you have learned the moves, you can practice it anywhere, at any time, by yourself or with others; and without special clothing or gear.Massage Therapy A professional massage can provide soothing, deep relaxation and can improve physiological processes such as circulation. As the tense muscles relax, so does your entire body, as well as your overstressed mind. According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), the most common type of massage is Swedish massage, which is specifically meant to relax and energize you through stroking and kneading the muscles.

Another common type of massage is Shiatsu, also known as acupressure. Therapists use their fingers to manipulate the body’s pressure points to open channels that can release fresh energy and carry away spent energy and toxins.

Friday 25 June 2010

French superhot fries

The whole day was a little hot. I've no choice but to stay home and sleep until almost 5 to 6 in the evening. Good for me. I was able to save a few yuan when its nice to go for bargain hunting on a nice weather like this. Not too hot, just nice, still I need to save some money, so I stayed home and clean all the clutter in my room.Usually, we'll ride a taxi on our way to gig, but not this evening. It was raining and taxi drivers seems so snubbish. So there we walk for 15 minutes. I have the biggest umbrella in the whole wide world , I braved that heavy pouring rain. I was surprised to see so much people in the bar as they don't want to get soaked outside by that heavy rain. Well, that made the gig, real full! This evening is quite good. People are fun. Lot's of very nice guests and they really appreciate the sets with matching generosity that seldom happens on odd days like these. Thank God.

I feel uncomfortable since the start of the evening.I ordered a grilled salmon for my dinner and  didn't even touched it as I feel like I got lots of  gas in my stomach. I took sprite instead and ordered some french fries on our second break thinking I need to eat something to ease the heavy bloated tummy I had. I put lots of Tabasco sauce on it. It was so hot it numbs my mouth and even drinking a glass of water becomes a challenge. This extra -spicy french fries is not good.uch!  Now I've to apply lots of cream on my lips. I was thinking like, I should enjoyed with ten of the most hard core, Zhonghua-smoking, baiju-drinking guys in any construction teams to calm down and relax but no such kind of local alcohol on my place and my husband will not allow me to drink with any of those guys aside from the fact that, I don't know how to drink.I tried a few glasses for my entire 8 years on the same gig who brew their own beer and they tastes good.. much much better than any ordinary beer.

I've to go now watch football  till I get to dreamland, oh My Japs won !!!

Thursday 24 June 2010

Exhale and wait

Just take that breath more slowly. Seems the deep, slow breathing used in Zen meditation and other mindfulness pursuits may help diminish aches and pains -- and lift your spirits to boot!

Mind Your Billows

When healthy women in a recent study were exposed to a heat source that was mildly to moderately painful, they reported feeling way less discomfort when they took slow breaths (about half their usual breathing rate) compared with when they breathed normally. They felt not only less discomfort but less stress, too. Researchers think the slow breathing somehow triggers the parasympathetic nervous system to induce calm and counter the painful feelings produced by the sympathetic nervous system. (Here's more on how mind-body intervention can help control pain.)

A Dual Approach

A second group of women in the study with fibromyalgia did not appear to benefit from the slower breathing technique -- possibly due to feelings of depression that characterize the condition along with chronic pain. But the researchers think deep breathing might help that group as well if it's combined with counseling and treatment for depression. (Find out why Dr. Roizen thinks you should treat pain promptly.)

Are clogged sinuses making it hard to breathe? Clear your head with help from the RealAge Soothe Your Sinuses Center.

Taking care of your emotional health and well-being can make your RealAge up to 16 years younger.

References Published on 04/09/2010 The effects of slow breathing on affective responses to pain stimuli: an experimental study. Zautra, A. J. et al., Pain 2010 Apr;149(1):12-18.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Getting busy

Alright, today's Wednesday and I am still up to finish practicing these songs on line-up to rehearse early in the afternoon. It's almost 6 AM and I am desperate to get the last part done (even not perfect) before I hit the bed. I still have at least 4 hours sleep before I get up at 12. Wish I could write something long. No I really have to get some sleep. I have to. I've to start counting sheeps now....1,2,3,4,5,....oh not that way, supposed to be this way...100,99,98,97,96, and .....

Sunday 20 June 2010

My Totoy

I am on duty making my embutido. I am not quite sure If I am making money out of it, but what I know is, I am really enjoying this new hobby. Off to the market, I woke up early to buy the ingridients and went a little malling afterwards.

While checking some new fashions,(I got this new blouse for work) I passed by a shop especializing grown-up boys things, clothes, shoes and the likes. I went inside and thought "thats shoes, that shirt, will look good for my son", almost everything from that shop sure fits for my grown-up kid.

How time flies. He will soon be graduating in college, hopefully, with flying colors. That tiny 6.5 lbs baby, is a real big boy now. Bigger than his daddy. I remember during the first months of my pregnancy. All the morning sickness and difficult times being pregnant. In the weeks and days leading up to his birth I spent considerable amount of time imagining what entire experience would be like. We just got married that time and lived seperately from my in-laws. So you can imagine how it is to be a newly weds, with no savings and no enough money to even pay for the hospital just in case I am required for a ceasarian operation. Luckily ,mine is normal. Still, I chose home birth because of the control it afforded me. I dictate where I labored, how I labored and who was present. I read something written by a midwife once detailing an old birth she watched on a video that showed a laboring mother baking a cake during labor. This oh-so-relaxed mommy popped the tins in the oven, lie down in bed and pushed the baby out just in time. This normalcy during labor is what I wanted myself, and though I didn't bake any cake in my entire life, I did all I can to focus one some other things instead of pushing untimely. If that isn't the so called normal, natural birth, then I don't know what is. I bang all the walls. Lol.

That is why I chose to birth at home, in my own private space, with the people I love most in the world cheering me on and with my husband holding my hands while we count "one!, two!' three!..pushhhhhhhhhh!! I experienced the most extraordinary moments of my life and few hours later settled in bed with a new little person, my incredible husband and that Halo-halo they fed me when contractions were lighter. It was even better than I could have imagined (though it really is soooo painful.) That is, this evening, I called my son and told about that shop who sells Vans. I must buy a pair on payday. arghh.

Saturday 19 June 2010

No cutting

I was planning to see more pavillions from the European side at the Shanghai Expo . The event actually has Asian, Europeans and more. Those huge and architectural designed domes look so interesting outside, but we have to check whats going on inside to really experience the whole sense of this Expo thing. I'd been in my country's pavillion, the Philippines. Ok theres some entertainments inside, good food of course, and few interesting things. My friends and I are actually planning of getting inside the US pavillion and that very popular Thailand. Heard some interesting things from people who'd been inside and Monday is the only day I can explore such.

In early June, several Expo pavillions, including those of Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and Thailand closed their "green" VIP line after finding out that visitors are pretending to be disabled in order to skip the queues. I prefer to wait in line than to be "disabled". But the queue turns are very long and with some madness sorrounding the hour-plus waits to get into many pavillions I don't think theres any way to get in faster than some expats or friends did to be able to get into those pavillions. For some, its easy, some say you even need to know anyone with any pull, or just show a passport. No need wheelchair or any convincing style. Some also tell us that the majority of pavillions have a mutual agreement to fast-track each others' workers through the VIP lines. Quite true as what happened to us last Monday, we just say Pinoy ako, and so there we got in, no need to fall in line. So if you can secure a pass from one of them, you should be able to skip ahead all over Expo with a little trouble.

Thursday 17 June 2010


My hair has not changed since 2007. Sure, it's been trimmed and highlighted , even tried hair extentions that lasts for 2 weeks , ( I'll admit it ) and colored...but CHANGED? No. It's been centered part bob for as long as I can remember. Eventhough hair is quick and easy thing to change, something that is cosmetic and we are constantly reminded " will grow back", It doesn't make doing it any easier. Girls hair doesn't have much problem unlike men who can lose theirs once they reach the age  40 or earlier for some. Life is like that. For women, It can be changed quickly, style and things and generally, it will "grow again". As I look back on the last 10 years of my life. I realize , these weren't much life-changing years. I didn't make many difficult things about my work, life and financial. For some areas of my life, I stood on my own and I've become myself. And even though  I may not have changed my hair in 5 years, I am ok with that.

That said, this post would be boring if it didn't end with transformation, but this was the best I could do...I got my hair trimmed, two inches! Husband said I look years younger and was teased right after .Lol.The length is just nice for a ponytail  when I go out for groceries or simply attending  simple occassions. At least I can still tie it. two inches maybe lots of hair but I feel lighter now. I think I will stick to this length, If I don't get bored.
                                             Before and after. Almost the same, only two inches shorter. Second ne was taken from my cellfone, my digicam is still under repair.

Monday 14 June 2010


In a few days my husband and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary. I married the same man twice, one in the church which falls on January and another one in civil which is celebrated during another special day in June.

When we were young, wedding bells wasn't the first thing on my mind when I accepted my then boyfriend's proposal to be his girl. We're like 18 or 19 something. But it happened so fast, in just a snap, I am already a wife. We always make it a point to celebrate sometimes on a quiet and oftentimes with friends and families. Annually, we never skip that.There are some degree of confusion as to why two people get married. My reasoning behind marriage is simple. I wanted to be a wife because I was devirginized. Very funny, but true and I am serious.During those time, virginity is so important and yes that must be too straightforward to some. I know , those days are way too old fashioned. I am old fashioned then. But of course, I got married too because I wanted to be a wife and a mother. I wanted to settle down and have a happy marriage forever. Every girl dreams of walking on the aisle and marry the man she loves for life. Not easy. So why did I get married? Simply put, because I love my husband and I wanted to spend my life with him. I wanted to be his partner, his confidant, his best friend, his biggest fan and his partner in crime for all the days of my life. In turn I wanted to travel to some places with someone and we did. Someone to grow old with, someone to challenge me to do better, and to spend my days with someone whose presence makes accomplishments more exciting. In other words, I wanted to share my life with him and in turn to share his life with me.

In many ways, my husband and I are very much alike. We both love the same kind of music. We both love Michael Franks, we both love delicious food and were both God fearing. But there are many ways in which we are really different. Especially in regards to how we communicate and deal with arguments. he's patient and kind and caring and reserved. I am vocal and sarcastic and annoying. I admit I am, yet we balance each other out. I sometimes feel that we have an incredibly blessed, strong and happy marriage. Husband is my best friend, my competitor, Monday dinner date, a DVD movie companion,-we fight in each movies we'll watch , action he loves, drama I dig.I always win and will let him snore at the beginning of the flick. He still thinks I still look and stand tall and he is always a big fan. Saying I still have the charm and simple beauty from the day we first met until now. He is very vocal about it which at times makes me feel like I am the most beautiful woman on Earth. He seems quite good on boosting my confidence. To were I know lots of people don't agree with the flat nose I have. How could I ignore such praises. But like any couple, our marriage is not without faults, disagreements and turbulence. Not everyday is a bed of roses. We argue. About the little things. About the important things. About any little stupid things. And more heavier things.

There are times when I don't fight fair. This doesn't happen everyday but it does happen occasionally. It can be over something simple and can be over something bigger like finances and our works. There are times when I'm on hormonal period and there are times when my husband is exhausted and wants to be left alone. But at the end of the day, we're in this crazy thing called marriage together.Its not always a marriage full of chocolates and roses for us. Oh yes we both love chocolates before I forgot. There were so many challenges and happenings that are often unacceptable and unimaginable but they happened. All in all, I , we still keep on trying to keep our marriage rich and If God permits, still wanted to reach the silver wedding anniversary if not for the gold. I am praying and I know God will keep us together. Happy anniversary De. Mahal me u. hehehe.

Sunday 13 June 2010

PGT and we got Jovit Baldivino

Before I got up, I simply switched on my laptop and while in bed, I checked my Facebook and saw some videos of this contestant in one competition called Pilipinas Got Talent. I cried the whole two hours watching videos and interviews of this 16 year old talented boy who could sing so real good. He really has the talent and likewise, life that I can relate with. I'd been there, only that I didn't had the chance to join such big competitions but I may say my journey is somewhat similar or much harder than he had experienced. The torture and the hardship and although I am much at ease with my job now. I would say there's no such thing as glory from the start. Congratulations Jovit. You are a star now. May the good Lord guide you.

Friday 11 June 2010


I love eating substantial fruits and veggies in the summertime. For me, soups are better taken during winter. Meat? not much. But a new found recipe is so irresistible, I didn't wait to learn and cook this one Filipino favorite called Embutido.

Internet has thousands of free recipes and this delicious appetizer was always on the main list of many filipino diners. While experimenting foods to satisfy my husbands love for good food, this cold cut got my attention and decided to try. I came from a family who are fond of cooking, and eating. My husband likes bringing me to a dinner, as an obligation maybe , not only on special occasions but during my off days as well. After my walks during offs, he'll make sure that we'll meet up somewhere he or I fancied. Both of us love Thai. Oftentimes , after a minutes of a little disagreements on choosing place to dine, we will end up eating at the same places we frequent for dinner, either Thai or Japanese food.

I am in the mood of learning new things. Easy cooking was one of them and this embutido was one of the best recipes to do. I didn't know that this meatloaf is very easy to prepare. ingredients are very simple and easy to find. I tried my first , second until i get the right taste. Now I think its good. I am so proud.

I recieved a few requests and although these are not all easy task I said but I am as much as willing to accept the orders even in a few quantities and I did. So most of the times, my ref was filled of foiled freshly cooked embutido chilled for my friends.

This is an additional way of earning extra, not able to sustain my window shopping, but at least I am well enough to learn such few good recipes. Not to mention that I am really enjoying this new found hobby even when I know it can't support my goal on saving money for my dream patio. Who knows It might happen soon.


1 kilo ground pork
3 eggs, lightly beaten
3 boiled eggs
4 hot dogs, chopped tiny or preferred , can mix whole as well
2 medium onions, chopped
1/4 sweet pickle relish
1/3 diced quick melt cheese
1 cup breadcrumbs
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped carrots

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Season with salt i tbsp salt , 2 tbsp soy sauce, and 1/2 tsp black pepper. Mix thoroughly.
2. Place every 1-1/2 cups of mixture on aluminum foil. Roll then tie ends.
3. Steam for one hour. Let cool then chill overnight.
Slice diagonally just before serving.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Outdoor settings for my backyard

When people grow older, they think of settling to a much spacious house, a place that can accommodate as much people and friends as they want. They wanted a house built with all the complete luxuries a life can offer. A big and well functioned kitchen is a must for a mother who loves to cook.I love beautiful kitchens too but I am not a good cook. For me, the best part of the house is the backyard. I love nature, I love sunshine and I love nice gardens.
I am imagining things like, relaxing or chatting with friends on a patio for a coffee and those wooden chairs just like the picture above looks very comfortable and welcoming.I can put my feet up or lie there while laughing and telling stories. I got interested and surprised to find the picture on one site ( forgot where) which looks exactly like my garden space- of course, minus the stone pathways, the grass and most especially, those wooden chairs .It has gave me the idea of a dream setting for the back of my house. I just adore and love to have them set for landscape , soon. Now, to make that dream come true, I need to find an additional income and the idea of AdSense, makes sense? What do you think?


Hi there! I always dream about finer things in life. Dream about interior, food, fashion, everything fine and simple. Most of the time, I always wanted to re-do my place, my room, repaint my house into a different color as possible, it's just that I can't always afford to do such things due to finances and a busy work life. I also wanted to wear clothes that are light and simple, some common and easy to carry. Wish I could have them all. That's why I am here, always free to dream all things about. Dreams are free isn't it?.. even just in print.

Doesn't this porch look like the perfect place to settle in with a cool drink on a warm , tropical place like where my house is located at? Yes I live in a country where the sunny tropical weather is one of the most beautiful blessings God has given us. I have a space at the back of my house plus a yard just fit for a porch like this and a small garden to where I can relax on my whole afternoon. I am dreaming on saving some money for these simple seats and a pretty garden with a little pond with Koy on it and If I will be as fortunate as other people, I might set up a little pool for my nieces and playful nephews.