Saturday 19 June 2010

No cutting

I was planning to see more pavillions from the European side at the Shanghai Expo . The event actually has Asian, Europeans and more. Those huge and architectural designed domes look so interesting outside, but we have to check whats going on inside to really experience the whole sense of this Expo thing. I'd been in my country's pavillion, the Philippines. Ok theres some entertainments inside, good food of course, and few interesting things. My friends and I are actually planning of getting inside the US pavillion and that very popular Thailand. Heard some interesting things from people who'd been inside and Monday is the only day I can explore such.

In early June, several Expo pavillions, including those of Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and Thailand closed their "green" VIP line after finding out that visitors are pretending to be disabled in order to skip the queues. I prefer to wait in line than to be "disabled". But the queue turns are very long and with some madness sorrounding the hour-plus waits to get into many pavillions I don't think theres any way to get in faster than some expats or friends did to be able to get into those pavillions. For some, its easy, some say you even need to know anyone with any pull, or just show a passport. No need wheelchair or any convincing style. Some also tell us that the majority of pavillions have a mutual agreement to fast-track each others' workers through the VIP lines. Quite true as what happened to us last Monday, we just say Pinoy ako, and so there we got in, no need to fall in line. So if you can secure a pass from one of them, you should be able to skip ahead all over Expo with a little trouble.

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