Sunday 20 June 2010

My Totoy

I am on duty making my embutido. I am not quite sure If I am making money out of it, but what I know is, I am really enjoying this new hobby. Off to the market, I woke up early to buy the ingridients and went a little malling afterwards.

While checking some new fashions,(I got this new blouse for work) I passed by a shop especializing grown-up boys things, clothes, shoes and the likes. I went inside and thought "thats shoes, that shirt, will look good for my son", almost everything from that shop sure fits for my grown-up kid.

How time flies. He will soon be graduating in college, hopefully, with flying colors. That tiny 6.5 lbs baby, is a real big boy now. Bigger than his daddy. I remember during the first months of my pregnancy. All the morning sickness and difficult times being pregnant. In the weeks and days leading up to his birth I spent considerable amount of time imagining what entire experience would be like. We just got married that time and lived seperately from my in-laws. So you can imagine how it is to be a newly weds, with no savings and no enough money to even pay for the hospital just in case I am required for a ceasarian operation. Luckily ,mine is normal. Still, I chose home birth because of the control it afforded me. I dictate where I labored, how I labored and who was present. I read something written by a midwife once detailing an old birth she watched on a video that showed a laboring mother baking a cake during labor. This oh-so-relaxed mommy popped the tins in the oven, lie down in bed and pushed the baby out just in time. This normalcy during labor is what I wanted myself, and though I didn't bake any cake in my entire life, I did all I can to focus one some other things instead of pushing untimely. If that isn't the so called normal, natural birth, then I don't know what is. I bang all the walls. Lol.

That is why I chose to birth at home, in my own private space, with the people I love most in the world cheering me on and with my husband holding my hands while we count "one!, two!' three!..pushhhhhhhhhh!! I experienced the most extraordinary moments of my life and few hours later settled in bed with a new little person, my incredible husband and that Halo-halo they fed me when contractions were lighter. It was even better than I could have imagined (though it really is soooo painful.) That is, this evening, I called my son and told about that shop who sells Vans. I must buy a pair on payday. arghh.

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