Monday 14 June 2010


In a few days my husband and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary. I married the same man twice, one in the church which falls on January and another one in civil which is celebrated during another special day in June.

When we were young, wedding bells wasn't the first thing on my mind when I accepted my then boyfriend's proposal to be his girl. We're like 18 or 19 something. But it happened so fast, in just a snap, I am already a wife. We always make it a point to celebrate sometimes on a quiet and oftentimes with friends and families. Annually, we never skip that.There are some degree of confusion as to why two people get married. My reasoning behind marriage is simple. I wanted to be a wife because I was devirginized. Very funny, but true and I am serious.During those time, virginity is so important and yes that must be too straightforward to some. I know , those days are way too old fashioned. I am old fashioned then. But of course, I got married too because I wanted to be a wife and a mother. I wanted to settle down and have a happy marriage forever. Every girl dreams of walking on the aisle and marry the man she loves for life. Not easy. So why did I get married? Simply put, because I love my husband and I wanted to spend my life with him. I wanted to be his partner, his confidant, his best friend, his biggest fan and his partner in crime for all the days of my life. In turn I wanted to travel to some places with someone and we did. Someone to grow old with, someone to challenge me to do better, and to spend my days with someone whose presence makes accomplishments more exciting. In other words, I wanted to share my life with him and in turn to share his life with me.

In many ways, my husband and I are very much alike. We both love the same kind of music. We both love Michael Franks, we both love delicious food and were both God fearing. But there are many ways in which we are really different. Especially in regards to how we communicate and deal with arguments. he's patient and kind and caring and reserved. I am vocal and sarcastic and annoying. I admit I am, yet we balance each other out. I sometimes feel that we have an incredibly blessed, strong and happy marriage. Husband is my best friend, my competitor, Monday dinner date, a DVD movie companion,-we fight in each movies we'll watch , action he loves, drama I dig.I always win and will let him snore at the beginning of the flick. He still thinks I still look and stand tall and he is always a big fan. Saying I still have the charm and simple beauty from the day we first met until now. He is very vocal about it which at times makes me feel like I am the most beautiful woman on Earth. He seems quite good on boosting my confidence. To were I know lots of people don't agree with the flat nose I have. How could I ignore such praises. But like any couple, our marriage is not without faults, disagreements and turbulence. Not everyday is a bed of roses. We argue. About the little things. About the important things. About any little stupid things. And more heavier things.

There are times when I don't fight fair. This doesn't happen everyday but it does happen occasionally. It can be over something simple and can be over something bigger like finances and our works. There are times when I'm on hormonal period and there are times when my husband is exhausted and wants to be left alone. But at the end of the day, we're in this crazy thing called marriage together.Its not always a marriage full of chocolates and roses for us. Oh yes we both love chocolates before I forgot. There were so many challenges and happenings that are often unacceptable and unimaginable but they happened. All in all, I , we still keep on trying to keep our marriage rich and If God permits, still wanted to reach the silver wedding anniversary if not for the gold. I am praying and I know God will keep us together. Happy anniversary De. Mahal me u. hehehe.

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