Thursday 24 June 2010

Exhale and wait

Just take that breath more slowly. Seems the deep, slow breathing used in Zen meditation and other mindfulness pursuits may help diminish aches and pains -- and lift your spirits to boot!

Mind Your Billows

When healthy women in a recent study were exposed to a heat source that was mildly to moderately painful, they reported feeling way less discomfort when they took slow breaths (about half their usual breathing rate) compared with when they breathed normally. They felt not only less discomfort but less stress, too. Researchers think the slow breathing somehow triggers the parasympathetic nervous system to induce calm and counter the painful feelings produced by the sympathetic nervous system. (Here's more on how mind-body intervention can help control pain.)

A Dual Approach

A second group of women in the study with fibromyalgia did not appear to benefit from the slower breathing technique -- possibly due to feelings of depression that characterize the condition along with chronic pain. But the researchers think deep breathing might help that group as well if it's combined with counseling and treatment for depression. (Find out why Dr. Roizen thinks you should treat pain promptly.)

Are clogged sinuses making it hard to breathe? Clear your head with help from the RealAge Soothe Your Sinuses Center.

Taking care of your emotional health and well-being can make your RealAge up to 16 years younger.

References Published on 04/09/2010 The effects of slow breathing on affective responses to pain stimuli: an experimental study. Zautra, A. J. et al., Pain 2010 Apr;149(1):12-18.

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