Monday 5 September 2011

Finding fulfillment

I don't want to start this blog with the word "stressed out" but I think I am. So let me just write something I want to simply de-stress.

I have always known that someday I would have a family and that family would include kids. When I picture myself at sixty-something that picture includes my husband and I helping our kids plan their weddings, having large family holidays, and doing lots of striving. I am blessed and fortunate to have a wonderful son, though I dreamt of having a dozen, having just one kid is always a blessing especially when you are very close and well loved. He is getting bigger, he's got big dreams and he's starting to build his own future. Let him make his own decisions, but as we parents duty to support him, we will never fail to give him that. For my husband and me right now I am finding myself wanting to make the most of this time where it is just the two of us.

Its my off day today. I was in bed since yesterday due to an early flu which I had two days ago. I am as usual,feeling tired and miserable.Singer with a flu? The worst thing could ever happen. Anyway, the weather is just nice to go for a walk, sunny but not hot and this is one of the best seasons of the year I loveSince I am not feeling really well , just to give myself some time out, I thought its just nice to go for a dinner outside. So we had a quick dinner at a restaurant just a few steps across the road. Got home after that as I can't stay out sneezing and coughing with people around having their sumptuous dinner. I lie down in bed with boxes of tissues on the side. Tylenol is really strong I was up and away to dreamland minutes after taking one capsule, but it gave me heavy palpitations so I am not sure if I am here typing alive or in heaven now. Bet I'm still on Earth, with flu.

Regardless about how you feel about the term date night, quality couple time is so important as a part of the married lifestyle. It can be too easy to get caught up in all of the to do lists and work pressures and social gatherings of summer to find that it has been way too long since you have gone out on a just-the-two-of-us date.Husband said, he feels like I'd been away for a very long time. And I bluntly said, I'd been neglected or taken for granted "maybe" for a very long time. I got used to being alone on shopping malls, most of the time I was all alone. And I guess it was well realized now by the one who "neglected" me. Its still not the end of the world I said we can make up for the lost time.

But I got used to being alone for many years and it will take some time for me to learn on being "two" again, wherever I go, either in store hopping, little walks, malling or simply getting my groceries, I've to learn how to do that again. I said to myself, I am ready to get old with the man I married even when at some part of my life, I felt all alone.

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