Monday 10 January 2011

Starting a new year with hopes

Been awhile. I was busy as very very busy as a busy bee during month of December and this past holiday celebration is kinda overwhelming. Not to mention that I'd been sick on and off too for the whole month of supposedly a joyous festive season. For some it is, for me, its always, still a busy working season. Ok I am not complaining, I am just telling the real thing. But I did celebrate and had some parties attended too. That means, It was a full scheduled December of celebration and fun, and dry coughs and allergies.

We're on our way starting the year 2011 with hopes and wishes. With lots of things to straighten and change and some things I am planning to keep the way they are. This year is considerably a very new beginning. A real new beginning which I feel as it is very different from the past 3 to 4 years. I have lots of agendas this time around. Hoping them to be fulfilled and granted.

First, I am heading for a month long vacation which I am longing to have as this season was really taking its toll on me. They say its one of the coldest winter here and yes I agree. I'd been here for almost 10 years and I never experience such kind of winter in my entire life in China. So here, I got allergies, on and off cold and cough. Lucky, I had my flu shots as early as October and I didn't get a flu virus. Although my work was really affected by this illness. Are there any differences among those dreaded diseases that I hate most? None for this kind of profession. When your throat and nostrils are blocked , you can't help but cry and wish you're home. I miss hot, sunny tropical island the most. I love Philippines.

Anyway, that was a month ago. As of this writing, I may say, I am getting better unlike the past weeks when I have to skip work and stay home for 3 to 4 days and during the heights of December, like Christmas and New years eve shows, when I don't have any choice but to work real hard even when I am not on my best of health and spirit. Oh yes, I agree that I am not getting younger. Now a days, I gets sick easily, but I have to continue living and "make a living" and I can't afford to lose this money market. I've lots of payables , son's education, my condo, my nephews educations too, my savings, my insurances, lots more. Why do people has so many things to think of? To consider to be able to keep and love their job? Even in times when they want to give up and surrender. Its because, like those people, I am one of those lucky ones who can continue working when they were supposed to be at home, taking care of her house, son, and wait for her husbands paycheck every end of the month. I am thankful for the way things are and I have no reasons to complain as I am real one lucky person.

I am on my way to new hopes and wishes, added with more prayers, I know I can easily get them right with flying colors. And lastly let me say, its my son's birthday today. After a short talk with my son ,I was inspired of writing something about this special day but I end up writing about my cough lol. Any way this was written... I am glad I had the time to write something about my past month and I am really glad that this account is still working, after a weeks of absence.
Back to my son's birthday. I am thankful and really grateful for how my son became. Nope he's not a real grown up man yet. He's still a college student, don't even know how to handle his allowances properly, nor washing his own clothes. But still, he's an adorable, kind and loving kid to his mamee and daddy and I love him for that. Thank you Lord.
Happy birthday Totoy.

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