Sunday 21 November 2010

Catching up with friends

Its true that its a blessing that my work life is closely connected to my personal interests. But its also exhausting. Just like these past few days. I was and busy with lots of activities this week. Songs lined up for practice were one of the common excuses to not to relax during time I was supposed to be "relaxing". Yes , we all know that music is one way to relax, calm and breathe with ease. But not for me especially when I am listening to it repeatedly, memorizing all the tunes, rhyme , lyrics, timing and groove. I thought I need some time to unwind, or friend finding. Long lost friends yes.

All were answered when I attended a party this afternoon. To get everyone in the mood this weekend. We prepared another party like we did the past two years. Party get-together-cum-concert -"NOT for free", and today was held at the Crown Plaza. I am a member of a group of Filipino musicians here in Shanghai and we're on our 3rd anniversary. There were of course bands played continuously with different repertoires. Dance numbers, Elvis Presley impersonations , Shakira whew.. but mostly rock music.

I've listened to my friends sets, watched them danced, but I happened to missed more these friends I've never seen for ages, like 2 or 3 years and its so exciting to meet them again after a long time.I know they all felt the same way too and we are like kids jumping and hugging. So there, I don't mind the bands playing rock , sometimes really ear tearing sounds, I just enjoy talking, giggling, laughing on the sides, posing like kids and exchanging stories, promising to get more in touch after this event. Oh? promise?

Will post that event's photos later.. got to get some sleep now.

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