Wednesday 17 November 2010

Trying to change some

Days when I can still tolerate a cold , windy weather, wearing just a hoodies or sweatshirt are gone. My body now needs thicker kind of jackets as days getting much, much colder. This weather , whether I like it or not brings boredom to me and I am planning to change this.

I'm planning to get back to my old early bird days, I mean days when I can get up as early as 1pm on working days - and retire at 3 or 4 in the morning. As I get older, my routine has changed too. My day actually starts at 3 to 4pm and bedtime at 6 or 7 in the morning , time when other people are just starting to drink their morning coffee or eat their breakfast and for some old folks here in China, start their daily Taichi session. Early rises energize me and set a good mood for the day, but waking up is one thing- getting out of bed is another. And I decided to make this winter time like "summer", starting today.

I was thinking how to get myself to sleep so I can start my plan today. I just finished practicing some new songs which are scheduled for rehearsal on next Wednesday. I've to listen to these three songs many times, again and again as musicians have to. I love the beat and Its always good to practice kind of these upbeat music. It makes me young. Now, that's the problem. Music never drain me, it will always keep me awake. Unless I listen to jazz like mellow kind of bossanova. Them make me sleep. Not because its boring but because it soothes.

I'm writing my thoughts down while listening to Astrud Gilberto--.I'm glad I did. I find it relaxing and writing, a one good way for reflection. Eyes are half closed now, my busy and productive day will ensure a deep sleep and sweet dreams , hopefully. Maybe I'll even manage to get up as early as 4pm later. And that includes on my prayers.

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