Monday 15 November 2010

One of the best days of the year

I've called home just now. Heard that my niece and nephew got their 13th month pay and bonuses for the holiday season. Wow I said. One of the best Christmasses. Both had their jobs right after college. I'm happy for them.

Fast approaching Christmas season makes me feel excited and blue at the same time. I am away, far away from home , again for the 22nd time, I will be celebrating Christmas away from my loved ones. This is the best time of the year when everybody's celebrating in my home country for Jesus's birthday and I am sad that I can't be with them. There's always a reason for everything. I accept it.

Growing up, my mother always had our clothes ready for the holiday season. Nice foods, christmas tree and lanterns adorns the house. Christmas carols played on air from the beginning of the month of December, some , as early as November. The smell of oranges and apples brings back memories. When days are hard and getting our table an apple or orange was the most awaited time of the month. When the only time I can eat such fruits was only on Christmas day. They're expensive back then and thats the only chance where some of my mother's hard earned money will be spent for expensive and imported fruits like that. Mother will buy 3 apples and oranges for each of us sisters. We don't eat them right away, we kept them up t bedroom until the next day. The scent fill the room and they smell so good. Best days of the year, ever.

Tis' the season to be jolly, for being blessed with a good life,..for being blessed with boxes of oranges and apples. --Yes, I know I can get as much apples as I want, but I am grateful not just for the apples and oranges and luxuries in life. I am thankful for the love and caring of my family and friends , there are ups and downs but I still feel blessed and I thank God for everything.

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