Monday 8 November 2010


Alright don't panic... I may have been away for many days but I am still here never forget to check my blog site and continue talking with myself though.

Today , I was out hunting some kinds of vitamins in a new shop I found the other day. I take a lot of vitamins- Omega-3, B-12, Zinc, you name it, I have it and even when I seldom take any of them. Times when I feel like am in the mood of covering distances that goes nowhere and lifting pieces of iron that weighs enough for my cat to play and roll on the floor. Followed with vitamins , I thought everything will go just fine. But they don't usually lasts long. Usually, I'll do that for 3 days then I will discontinue for months.

I'm about to turn the menopausal period within a few years, I may guess so, which is considered an old lady in Chinese years. That would anger my boss, because then I wouldn't be able to work. Suicide is illegal not because it is immortal or criminal or wrong but because it deprive a boss a worker.

I don't smoke , never try , not even once. But I am sure have my whole life in danger of second hand smoke at work. My bands table were situated beside the stage and unlike Chinese people who smoke anywhere, even on places where they have to use a drinking glass as an ashtray. I tried to be away from those toxins as much as I can.

I don't know if its right. At times I think I am the healthiest unhealthy person I know. Or more accurately, I am the most unhealthy healthy person I've come across. There might be healthy healthy people out there but I haven't met them. If I get a cut, or bruise, it disappears in a day or two r three the longest/ Since I had my yearly flu shot, I rarely catch cold now a days, sometimes they catch me, but not for long, thanks to the combination of vitamins, excessive hand washing and a 10 hour disturbed sleep everyday.

So now I decided to detox, to purify my body. I opt for a lemon-honey-cayenne-pepper recommended by a friend. I couldn't find a cayenne pepper so I decide to substitute it with rare earths- which was also recommended by another friend. Little did I know that rare earth is harder to come by than cayenne pepper these days, I don't follow directions well, so when I couldn't find cayenne pepper at the expensive Japanese store, I got a chocolate instead. I bought a juicing machine, lemons and raw honey and drink cups of this concoctions throughout the day limiting my dinner to one organic cucumber. and wheat bread when I badly need something to eat.

I've started that a few weeks ago and still do these days. I noticed I began urinating a lot more than usual. Was the lemon juice cleansing my body of its toxins? The cucumber too was having a beneficial effect though I would ask my colon about that. I began to feel more energetic and I feel anew. And one thing so surprising of all is, afterwork, I can dose off easily within a few minutes. Almost no time on checking my e-mails or read news. Once I lay down in bed with my laptop beside me, I 'll be snoring on a high notes and will have an undisturbed sleep for straight 8 hours.
Hope it will continue at least a few more days. If its giving me a good result, this could be a nice end of the year resolution.

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