Tuesday 1 February 2011

A little misfortune

I have a short story to share. I was crossing a pedestrian along Huai hai lu, right at one intersection in front of an Apple store. There are two girls who are smiling at me while they cross the street and I wonder why they are giving me those smiles? Do I know them? Then suddenly, my wallet was stolen, in just a snap, its gone. I lost a few hundred renmembi, my credit and ATM card but most importantly, my Bonia wallet that my husband gave me 4 years ago as a birthday present.Traffic police on duty immediately approach to help. I was then so light tempered, felt nothing but a little sad and bit shocked and just asked the kind policeman to leave it all behind and thanked him for an fast response.There's nothing much we can do because I don't even know who took it anyway. I then headed to the bank and asked the person in charge to cancel my cards.

I am sharing this little incident in my life to tell that even a little misfortune like losing a wallet has a hidden messages. Like an inspirational story I've read yesterday, for me, it was an invitation to think about how to live more carefully, DON'T trust people so much, the people whom you think are very nice, people who smile at you but has hidden agendas against you.I remember my mother, she always tells her friends and neighbors that her daughter ( that's me) is the most trusting person in the whole wide world and she's proud but worried she might be fooled.At times I am always fooled I admit that, I just remember and take those actions of those people as a reference and promised myself not to trust too much, but I also remember that I can still trust and be cautious at the same time.

I may have gone through a little misfortune. Instead of complaining, moaning, and grumbling,I stayed relaxed and quiet and prayed that my money was used for buying food for the family of that snatcher.Hoping that it will help his family especially during the Spring Festival. I've listened to God’s message in my heart, I learned a new lesson and still thankful that that little cash on my wallet helped someone needy, because I know, I understand, still that he did that because he has no job and really in need. Although it shouldn't be tolerated, I hope and pray that God take care and enlighten him.

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