Sunday 25 July 2010

Time for Bedsheets

I'd been very busy with lots of things these past week and I seldom touch my keys. Trying to rearrange things from my closets and all and I have plan of getting another white linen, bedspread and pillow cases anywhere available. My bed been a bit boring these days and although I have few printed bedsheets to change for a boring white colored sheets, I still want to get my bed dressed like the one below. ( See the picture down below )

No more procrastinating, putting things off, wavering with my decisions, and most especially, no more lazy days and Mondays. Its time to get my bedroom looking organized and crisp. Like the next picture.

That bed will be a beautiful transformation from my old bedding's. Minus the bright sunlight from the window, it looks so inviting. I'd been looking at this picture and even put this as my desktop screen saver. It really is very cozy and clean. Bedroom and gardens are always the best part of my Home sweet Home, and as I work hard for the money in this distant place, I want to experience the feel of being "at home". And that starts from my bedroom.

Now time for bed.

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