Sunday 18 July 2010


This picture looks like an ideal arrangements for clutters.

Clutter. Clutter here , clutter there, clutter everywhere. I'm not sure anybody believes me when I say this but I know I am cluttered. I admit that, its not because I am lazy ( which I admittedly I am) But I know, its really nice to lay down in bed and sleep the whole day, get up at 4 pm, eat breakfast and get ready for work at 9 until 2am. Routinely exhausted or plain lazy. Whatever we may call it, those aren't the best excuse to not to clean and be lady like.

I recently bought wicked baskets to set my unorganized dirty and not-so-dirty clothes. They are still in one corner of this unpretty or call it bedroom cum all-in-one apartment, thinking I could arrange my clutter at a time. I mean I was thinking that I could de-clutter that little corner in just a snap of a magic wand. Just looking at those mess makes me more lazy. Does people really have any idea to advise me the simplest trick on how to be a little tidy? Actually, I love the look of clutter, it looks lived-in, homey and comfortable. but at times a little stressful. So I need to do something.
Today's my off, I will try to organize my clutter , but as usual, I am for a walk at 2pm, therefore, I am not quite sure If I will have enough strength for cleaning and yes de-cluttering after malling. That happens every monday. Still, I promise to arrange those things in proper settings as I want to make sure this bedroom is liveable again. Time for bed...ngorkkk.

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