Thursday 15 July 2010

Our Cat

Its been raining on and off for days, and it seems like our cat was having the same unpredictable mood weather-like. And she does that for four days in a row. She loves to get cuddled and really needs attention most of the times. Stretching her hands out to reach mine or shall I call them feet, to touch her , She follows me anywhere around the house, in bed, in the kitchen and even when I am in the bathroom. I've no choice but to bring her inside or she'll cry. Two pandas are taking care of her, and those pandas are me and my husband. We both don't have enough sleep in order to give her all the attention she needs. It only happens once every two months and these extra obligation aside from changing her cat sand and giving her "biscuit's" and fresh water were no match to the joy she brings to the apartment hood. Everybody loves her.

At work , yes due to lack of sleep, I said I can't stand to sing for another couple of hours as I am feeling real groggy so I ordered a booster. Coffee. I asked two cups, cafe latte and an ordinary one. I mixed my husband's cofee, milk and sugar, tasted if its blend. Strong. I can't really drink that kind of coffee. That goes with my character too. I am more on sweet, creamy kind of coffee. My husband love coffee of extra strong sometimes black like with a little coffee creamer. which very much describes his personality: strong-willed at times, to-the-point, joker, efficient, funny.
I on the other hand, prefer a weaker cup of instant decaffeinated as usual with spoonfuls of coffee mate. And I like to savor it in front of my mirror facing a window while watching the traffic down below. If I ever have the chance to retire as early as I wish, I would love to drink my cups of coffee matched with bread and dairy creme in my dream patio watching the sun come up while my dogs barks and play on the garden... thank you very much! What this say about me? Well, I am slow to get going. Subtle. I like to be energized, but on my own terms. I am alert at given time but not most of. I love fine living, and I love lazy days too.

This coffee and Guying thing will make me write more.. but I think she's asleep now, so a chance for me to doze off too.

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