Friday 1 April 2011

Our Uncle Marv-Bob

Been awhile. A month of super busy schedules and some boring times too all and never tried writing any short updates. I am just lucky to be awake at this hour when I was supposed to be in bed snoring.

We had a dinner with an Uncle friend named Marv-Bob which we've known for almost 4 years -on and off. He'd just celebrated his 74th birthday and he brought us out to a sumptuous dinner at favorite restaurant, Simply Thai.

It was a great two hours of food and laughter, with stories from Vietnam to Pakistan from a full of wisdom and interesting journeys this great Uncle Bob -Marv had been. Truly an enjoyable night. Here wishing him the best of health and more birthdays to come and hopefully, more dinners at Simply Thai in coming years. We love you Uncle. God bless you always.

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