Wednesday 23 February 2011

Cats needs help

There is no available pictures of the two cats right now. I just got my new computer and some of the file images are still on my old pc.Might upload some next time.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a dog lover of epic proportions. But it happens that my dorm mates loved adopting feline. I ended up loving them too. First,we were left with this tiny skinny cat by a singer who is now in a far away place.The little kitty was left here with us, and the same thing happen again.Another two was adopted and left a few months ago, and there's three now on my caring.

The first one is such an adorable kitty who meets me at the door every night when I come home and she stares after me longingly when I leave for work.The other two sleeps at the other door, loves to play in our apartment and loves to climb on top of our cabinets.They are very good on climbing on the curtains and hang like Cheetah, I thought they are cats, no, they can be monkeys too.

I begin to love cats and I think I genuinely grow to love them. But it’s a lot of extra work, a lot of extra hair to clean up, and potentially a lot of extra money for their food and bags of cat sand.

We are contemplating of keeping these two. I pity them and can't really throw them like garbage. Aside from the fact that keeping pets isn't cheap, I am on my tight saving period as everybody knows I got plans of putting up something in the near future, say for my early retirement. And this time I refrain from spending much to any unnecessary things, like that of keeping pets when I can't afford them.Also,I want this apartment's furniture's upholstery's intact because my worries are, the landlord might see the little scratches on chairs upholstery and of course it will cost us some money once they found out we are keeping not one cat, but three.Obviously, the management is very strict when it comes to keeping our apartment on its ideal staying place, furniture and things clean and good condition. What am I going to do? Are there any other way to make things "right" ? It seems like I am taken advantaged by the people I did my best to be nice with.

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