Wednesday 18 August 2010

No problem Gaying

Look at her eyes, she seem to have a real big problem. Its been weeks since our cat had her on and off monthly "period problem", as what they call it. Both my husband and I were having a disturbed sleep and was fully aware of this cat's problem. This must get tackled or at least we have to find the best solution. A vet.

Back home in the Philippines, We used to have lots of dogs. My mother was fond of keeping pets. We actually did not set to have 9 dogs. Yes 9 to be exact. It all started when we brought home a pair of dogs from China. As far as I know, The female dog bore at least 15 to 20 cute puppies and those puppies made 10 to 15 more, most are given away and some are sold to close friends. When my mother passed away, we chose to give away 6 to friends and relatives. Only kept 3 now. Fewer dogs lesser obligations and are all well taken care of.

Before, we got lots of raised eyebrows and strange looks when I tell people how many dogs we have. Usually I get a little nervous about it because I think lots of them think we are crazy. Most of the questions I get have to do with are, where do they sleep, who takes care of them, and how much food they eat. I answer them, or my family answered them with a smile, showing them how fulfilled and happy they are having those little pets roaming around the house who normally leaves smelly and accidental "things" on the floor. Know what I mean.Though I can't really answer well because I am away from the Philippines and only sees them during my yearly month long vacation which is the only time to see , cuddle, bathe, and play with those creatures who brought joy and fun to the whole family. They are whole bunch of happiness we can't just give up for a few thousand pesos. Maybe if one costs 20 to 30, fine, we'll sell.

Now back to Gaying ( our cat ). She used to be taken care of by the people from both apartment doors, us and the other side. Until two more cats was added a month ago. ( We're planning to put up an adoption business next.) We all thought Gaying will be very glad to have an additional good eater and playful baby cats around. To our dismay, she doesn't like them, yet. So here, Gaying finally resides in our room, forever. Maybe she's not used to playing with her specie. People are what she's used to.
I am lazy when it comes to tidying our room. I just love to sleep the whole day and when I am in the mood of de-clutterring, I'll move. Gaying isn't a burden on my daily arrangements. Although she loves to lay down on our bed! Yes, she loves it clean and neat. I have the simplest solution for an allergy symptoms. Her fur was always the culprit, only I get to minimize the harm it can give to an allergic person like me. I don't have much time to change sheets every other day, so the best solution for that is vacuum. Vacuum every other day or at least thrice a week.
I won't get drained with lots of things to tell when it comes to Gaying's little funny behavior. She wants to be combed.Yes she loves it when I put her some blush on. Her eyes will be that round just like the picture above when she watch me putting on my make-up and seriusly all eyes when I'm gliding lisptick or simply putting my mascara. I played her with those and she seemed to like it.
Her toys? Aside from her torned in half little mouse stuffed toy tied in a string and some few wires she gets anywhere, she likes to play with threads. I can find rolls and rolls of threads under my bed, in the kitchen floor , anywhere she can play with. I don't know if she swalloed the needles inserted on those thread rolls. Maybe not, shes still here.
Some more funny stories. She will not stop complaining if I didn't change her "over used" cat sand. There I should replace it every three days. Her glass must always have a refill or she will come to me and complain that too and don't forget that she loves Evian water. Dah! Not forgetting her cup full of "biscuit's". That must be always fresh. And one thing more. She doesn't want to eat any "table food". Even if its the best pork knuckle in the city, or the best salmon in the whole China. Her only favorite is Whiskas. Don't get anything, just tiny fish shaped Whiskas. I tried to boil her some chicken , just like her mommy Joy used to give her, No effect. She still wants her mommy's best chicken from Fenyang Lu. Mine? She just looked and smell the bowl of that thinly diced boiled chicken breast. She prefer her bisquits, from breakfast to lunch to merienda to dinner until supper. The same thing, thats why she's like bone and skin now.

Living with her is a little task-y. But we love her even when shes moody and at times unfriendly. Having her is still rewarding and would not trade her for the world. OK that's a little OA , but I think she really adds color to a sometimes boring life of us OFW in room 2002 and 2003. If you happen to live with this fuzzy cat, you will definitely say, "I would love to have a cat like Gaying as well." A cat who can talk when asked, and the one who welcome you , rolling , right at your door step saying , Bulaga!

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