Monday 31 October 2011

10th Anniversary

We are officially celebrating our 10th anniversary at work. I mean the establishment built 10 years ago is still going strong this time around.We've been blessed thus far by an easy kind of job at work, a few struggles but all in all, those past years made life easier for the kind of music and life we maintained with sanity here in China. I am so excited to be a part of the coming celebration, being a contributor of the business's success. That makes me more excited for that big event. Everyday is a new beginning , that is how i look at life now. I used to be overwhelmed of any happenings or lifes details, family and all, but not anymore. I make it a point to not to get stressed out by simple or any of big challenges that comes my way. I take things light now. I think that is the best thing I did in my life and I regret I didn't learned that during younger days. No regrets yes,no more of those.

Monday 5 September 2011

Finding fulfillment

I don't want to start this blog with the word "stressed out" but I think I am. So let me just write something I want to simply de-stress.

I have always known that someday I would have a family and that family would include kids. When I picture myself at sixty-something that picture includes my husband and I helping our kids plan their weddings, having large family holidays, and doing lots of striving. I am blessed and fortunate to have a wonderful son, though I dreamt of having a dozen, having just one kid is always a blessing especially when you are very close and well loved. He is getting bigger, he's got big dreams and he's starting to build his own future. Let him make his own decisions, but as we parents duty to support him, we will never fail to give him that. For my husband and me right now I am finding myself wanting to make the most of this time where it is just the two of us.

Its my off day today. I was in bed since yesterday due to an early flu which I had two days ago. I am as usual,feeling tired and miserable.Singer with a flu? The worst thing could ever happen. Anyway, the weather is just nice to go for a walk, sunny but not hot and this is one of the best seasons of the year I loveSince I am not feeling really well , just to give myself some time out, I thought its just nice to go for a dinner outside. So we had a quick dinner at a restaurant just a few steps across the road. Got home after that as I can't stay out sneezing and coughing with people around having their sumptuous dinner. I lie down in bed with boxes of tissues on the side. Tylenol is really strong I was up and away to dreamland minutes after taking one capsule, but it gave me heavy palpitations so I am not sure if I am here typing alive or in heaven now. Bet I'm still on Earth, with flu.

Regardless about how you feel about the term date night, quality couple time is so important as a part of the married lifestyle. It can be too easy to get caught up in all of the to do lists and work pressures and social gatherings of summer to find that it has been way too long since you have gone out on a just-the-two-of-us date.Husband said, he feels like I'd been away for a very long time. And I bluntly said, I'd been neglected or taken for granted "maybe" for a very long time. I got used to being alone on shopping malls, most of the time I was all alone. And I guess it was well realized now by the one who "neglected" me. Its still not the end of the world I said we can make up for the lost time.

But I got used to being alone for many years and it will take some time for me to learn on being "two" again, wherever I go, either in store hopping, little walks, malling or simply getting my groceries, I've to learn how to do that again. I said to myself, I am ready to get old with the man I married even when at some part of my life, I felt all alone.

Monday 11 July 2011

How are u blog?

Its been three months since my last post. I'd been really busy, I can't explain enough and obviously, this summer was one of the most hottest summer I ever had in Shanghai, but definetely one of the most exciting. I can't get enough of the sunshine and heat and I am loving every bit of these enjoyable days ever. Oh I've noticed too that, I need not to force myself to run on my treadmill to loose some weight because I did lose some. Just stepped on my weigh scale and saw that without so much effort, I lose 2 kgs. That's awesome. Wish its summer forever.

Today is one of those offdays where I mostly spent my time outside. For the past two months, during rest day as i didn't call it myself one because i don't rest and stop doing anything. I will get up as early as 11AM , prepare myself for an early walk arounds. Though I make sure I have enough sunblocks before heading out, I still don't dare wearing sexy clad bare clothings myself. Still not confident and I envy seeing ladies walking on the streets with their shortest short shorts. They looked fantastic, most of them.

After months of absence writing any uninteresting blog, I still cant think about much of what to write this time. Maybe I am forced to type what I can possibly think about just for the sake of an "entry" thing. Still, am blank. Or should I say, I am trying to end this blog entry now as I'm excited to log in on my FB account. Yes I have been spending most of my time with Facebook with relatives and friends and who are not. Let me finish this for now and I'll give myself more time to think of what to write next. I'll be back.

Thursday 21 April 2011

My Ate Cath

April. Spring finally arrived. This is one of my best springs out of 10 years in China and from day one I've started to love every bit of this months of semi-spring-summer-feeling.

This past week was incredibly exciting and I was in some mixed emotions for the whole entire week. My best friend, Ate Catherine and her sister Chris finally made it to Shanghai after coming- not coming- fickle-undecided years. She made it at last. She's never changed, she's still the same Catherine I've met years and years ago. The bubbly, energetic, exciting, smart, beautiful and the kindest person I've ever wanted as a best friend. I have always known, someday, even we're far away from each other and seldom send e-mail or text messages, we will definitely meet again and see each other, will go places and talk endless.

Not all people can keep a friendship like this, 18 years and still want to keep this friendship because we do appreciate one another with so much respect. I met her when I was in Malaysia while singing at one Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. After that meeting, she would visit us or simply follow us wherever my band go, whether a gig in Singapore, or Sarawak or in Miri and Langkawi too. The places she didn't visit were in India, Indonesia, Thailand and Hongkong maybe due to some personal things she has to attend to. Now here in China , she did and were so happy seeing each other. I would tell that 4 days ain't enough for a non-stop stories., giggling and crying while telling old happenings. Sad, happy exciting stories about the past years we've been away. How time flies. Memories are important to me, past present and future were all important and I always carry all the good things about Ate Cath and her simple ways of keeping me as well.I always pray that this friendship lasts until we're grey and old.

Friday 1 April 2011

Our Uncle Marv-Bob

Been awhile. A month of super busy schedules and some boring times too all and never tried writing any short updates. I am just lucky to be awake at this hour when I was supposed to be in bed snoring.

We had a dinner with an Uncle friend named Marv-Bob which we've known for almost 4 years -on and off. He'd just celebrated his 74th birthday and he brought us out to a sumptuous dinner at favorite restaurant, Simply Thai.

It was a great two hours of food and laughter, with stories from Vietnam to Pakistan from a full of wisdom and interesting journeys this great Uncle Bob -Marv had been. Truly an enjoyable night. Here wishing him the best of health and more birthdays to come and hopefully, more dinners at Simply Thai in coming years. We love you Uncle. God bless you always.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Some of my beautiful friends

We had a funfilled night at gig this evening. I wonder where all those people came from but I think we had thousands of crowd came and it was such an evening full of good looking people, me included please. Lol.

Here's one of the pictures. I'm on a wig.( Again having trouble uploading images so I put just one., will try my luck tomorrow. )

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Cats needs help

There is no available pictures of the two cats right now. I just got my new computer and some of the file images are still on my old pc.Might upload some next time.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a dog lover of epic proportions. But it happens that my dorm mates loved adopting feline. I ended up loving them too. First,we were left with this tiny skinny cat by a singer who is now in a far away place.The little kitty was left here with us, and the same thing happen again.Another two was adopted and left a few months ago, and there's three now on my caring.

The first one is such an adorable kitty who meets me at the door every night when I come home and she stares after me longingly when I leave for work.The other two sleeps at the other door, loves to play in our apartment and loves to climb on top of our cabinets.They are very good on climbing on the curtains and hang like Cheetah, I thought they are cats, no, they can be monkeys too.

I begin to love cats and I think I genuinely grow to love them. But it’s a lot of extra work, a lot of extra hair to clean up, and potentially a lot of extra money for their food and bags of cat sand.

We are contemplating of keeping these two. I pity them and can't really throw them like garbage. Aside from the fact that keeping pets isn't cheap, I am on my tight saving period as everybody knows I got plans of putting up something in the near future, say for my early retirement. And this time I refrain from spending much to any unnecessary things, like that of keeping pets when I can't afford them.Also,I want this apartment's furniture's upholstery's intact because my worries are, the landlord might see the little scratches on chairs upholstery and of course it will cost us some money once they found out we are keeping not one cat, but three.Obviously, the management is very strict when it comes to keeping our apartment on its ideal staying place, furniture and things clean and good condition. What am I going to do? Are there any other way to make things "right" ? It seems like I am taken advantaged by the people I did my best to be nice with.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Lunch with Sally

Birthday is over and I’m finally settling back into my normal routine. But I still have one last treat for a dear friend who didn't make it on my party. Bet she's too busy and can't attend a such fabulous party I had. ( whew). We had a lunch at one favorite restaurant. I just loved bringing her to Simply Thai just where I brought her a year ago. This time its the same resto but in a different location near my place.

We had fun and good food. That was a nice late lunch we both will never forget because the waiter served the wrong food which is not on my order but we ended up eating the whole plate of that delicious deep fried sauteed pork instead of a barbecued chicken. He apologised, we thanked him.

That day, she gave me an accessory to dress up my black blouse I just bought last week. I love Chloe Chen. Its a beautiful necklace i'll keep for life. Hope we'll have more lunches in the near future. Thank you my dear Sally.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Extra ordinary off day

Wednesday. This is by far, one of the best days of my whole three really hectic, busiest months of the year. The last few months have been an incredibly busy time. It all started from December up February 15. That was ended yesterday yes. And today, we are given the off we deserve after almost a whole month without rest, yes we had off days but I still felt very stressed out and today I think this is the best off I ever had in months. I am so relaxed.

But then of course, my off day won't be complete without any small shopping walks during a special day like this. I had a few special days in the past weeks, Did lots of shopping too but today is quite an extra special walks of my whole 3 months. Last night before I slept, I prepared my pants and bag , laid them on top of my dresser so that all is ready when I get up.
It was raining when I got up this morning, I thought my plan will be cancelled. I was thinking f getting myself a new wallet since mine was snatched weeks ago. But this rain didn't stopped me to get up as early as I could. I was out since 10 o'clock in the morning. Browsed all the wallets in the whole Parkson , HK plaza, surveyed Coach too. One wallet I checked was 2,900RMB, forget it, I zoomed out straight to the exit window. My budget was tight, I am not spending more than 300RMB on a wallet. I did get one I need , Hotwind black leather one and its only 189RMB. Not bad , looks like it will lasts from 5 to 10 years.

I went to supermarket too. Ref is empty and I ran out of oatmeal and fruits . My decaf coffee need its creamer too. There I went home with two heavy plastic bags full of groceries and after a shower, I slept until 5pm. I was thinking of going out again as I still have few more hours to see some boutiques along Huai hai lu. Got lazy and did my laundry instead. After dinner, I curled up on bed and watched some TV. Boring tasks like cleaning the house, doing laundry and going to the supermarket, were relegated to the weekend. I don't have a schedule for these recurring responsibilities. I just do them when I feel like them.
This evening I watched movies the whole night. I spoiled myself with fruits and chestnuts which are so sweet that I didn't dare to eat on worries of having an itchy throat after I eat them. But today, since its a rest day I finished one whole bag.
This off day indeed was one of the very best day ever. A very simple life which I truly appreciate even how simple this day have been. It was really a relaxing day. I remember one message from God...
"If God gives a man wealth and property and lets him enjoy them, he should be grateful and enjoy what he has worked for. It is a gift from God". (Ecclesiastes 5:19)

The more grateful you are, the more you’ll enjoy your blessings!

Friday 11 February 2011

Feel 16

Star studded venue, lots of good food and flooded with fun and drinks. Yes, that was just an imaginary high profile party I am thinking about. I just celebrated my "16th" birthday last Feb. 6 here at the house and yes I say its well celebrated and I am still too overwhelmed. All my few selected friends attended and I had fun, we had so much fun I mean.
I sometimes wish that I could press a button and instantly upload any pictures taken from any occasion I've attended or partied at. With the type of connection I have right now, its impossible to upload at least 30 images in an hour. Not when my eyes and body's tired from a whole day's work. I think I better go to bed.
I'll be back ...

Tuesday 1 February 2011

A little misfortune

I have a short story to share. I was crossing a pedestrian along Huai hai lu, right at one intersection in front of an Apple store. There are two girls who are smiling at me while they cross the street and I wonder why they are giving me those smiles? Do I know them? Then suddenly, my wallet was stolen, in just a snap, its gone. I lost a few hundred renmembi, my credit and ATM card but most importantly, my Bonia wallet that my husband gave me 4 years ago as a birthday present.Traffic police on duty immediately approach to help. I was then so light tempered, felt nothing but a little sad and bit shocked and just asked the kind policeman to leave it all behind and thanked him for an fast response.There's nothing much we can do because I don't even know who took it anyway. I then headed to the bank and asked the person in charge to cancel my cards.

I am sharing this little incident in my life to tell that even a little misfortune like losing a wallet has a hidden messages. Like an inspirational story I've read yesterday, for me, it was an invitation to think about how to live more carefully, DON'T trust people so much, the people whom you think are very nice, people who smile at you but has hidden agendas against you.I remember my mother, she always tells her friends and neighbors that her daughter ( that's me) is the most trusting person in the whole wide world and she's proud but worried she might be fooled.At times I am always fooled I admit that, I just remember and take those actions of those people as a reference and promised myself not to trust too much, but I also remember that I can still trust and be cautious at the same time.

I may have gone through a little misfortune. Instead of complaining, moaning, and grumbling,I stayed relaxed and quiet and prayed that my money was used for buying food for the family of that snatcher.Hoping that it will help his family especially during the Spring Festival. I've listened to God’s message in my heart, I learned a new lesson and still thankful that that little cash on my wallet helped someone needy, because I know, I understand, still that he did that because he has no job and really in need. Although it shouldn't be tolerated, I hope and pray that God take care and enlighten him.

Monday 10 January 2011

Starting a new year with hopes

Been awhile. I was busy as very very busy as a busy bee during month of December and this past holiday celebration is kinda overwhelming. Not to mention that I'd been sick on and off too for the whole month of supposedly a joyous festive season. For some it is, for me, its always, still a busy working season. Ok I am not complaining, I am just telling the real thing. But I did celebrate and had some parties attended too. That means, It was a full scheduled December of celebration and fun, and dry coughs and allergies.

We're on our way starting the year 2011 with hopes and wishes. With lots of things to straighten and change and some things I am planning to keep the way they are. This year is considerably a very new beginning. A real new beginning which I feel as it is very different from the past 3 to 4 years. I have lots of agendas this time around. Hoping them to be fulfilled and granted.

First, I am heading for a month long vacation which I am longing to have as this season was really taking its toll on me. They say its one of the coldest winter here and yes I agree. I'd been here for almost 10 years and I never experience such kind of winter in my entire life in China. So here, I got allergies, on and off cold and cough. Lucky, I had my flu shots as early as October and I didn't get a flu virus. Although my work was really affected by this illness. Are there any differences among those dreaded diseases that I hate most? None for this kind of profession. When your throat and nostrils are blocked , you can't help but cry and wish you're home. I miss hot, sunny tropical island the most. I love Philippines.

Anyway, that was a month ago. As of this writing, I may say, I am getting better unlike the past weeks when I have to skip work and stay home for 3 to 4 days and during the heights of December, like Christmas and New years eve shows, when I don't have any choice but to work real hard even when I am not on my best of health and spirit. Oh yes, I agree that I am not getting younger. Now a days, I gets sick easily, but I have to continue living and "make a living" and I can't afford to lose this money market. I've lots of payables , son's education, my condo, my nephews educations too, my savings, my insurances, lots more. Why do people has so many things to think of? To consider to be able to keep and love their job? Even in times when they want to give up and surrender. Its because, like those people, I am one of those lucky ones who can continue working when they were supposed to be at home, taking care of her house, son, and wait for her husbands paycheck every end of the month. I am thankful for the way things are and I have no reasons to complain as I am real one lucky person.

I am on my way to new hopes and wishes, added with more prayers, I know I can easily get them right with flying colors. And lastly let me say, its my son's birthday today. After a short talk with my son ,I was inspired of writing something about this special day but I end up writing about my cough lol. Any way this was written... I am glad I had the time to write something about my past month and I am really glad that this account is still working, after a weeks of absence.
Back to my son's birthday. I am thankful and really grateful for how my son became. Nope he's not a real grown up man yet. He's still a college student, don't even know how to handle his allowances properly, nor washing his own clothes. But still, he's an adorable, kind and loving kid to his mamee and daddy and I love him for that. Thank you Lord.
Happy birthday Totoy.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Catching up with friends

Its true that its a blessing that my work life is closely connected to my personal interests. But its also exhausting. Just like these past few days. I was and busy with lots of activities this week. Songs lined up for practice were one of the common excuses to not to relax during time I was supposed to be "relaxing". Yes , we all know that music is one way to relax, calm and breathe with ease. But not for me especially when I am listening to it repeatedly, memorizing all the tunes, rhyme , lyrics, timing and groove. I thought I need some time to unwind, or friend finding. Long lost friends yes.

All were answered when I attended a party this afternoon. To get everyone in the mood this weekend. We prepared another party like we did the past two years. Party get-together-cum-concert -"NOT for free", and today was held at the Crown Plaza. I am a member of a group of Filipino musicians here in Shanghai and we're on our 3rd anniversary. There were of course bands played continuously with different repertoires. Dance numbers, Elvis Presley impersonations , Shakira whew.. but mostly rock music.

I've listened to my friends sets, watched them danced, but I happened to missed more these friends I've never seen for ages, like 2 or 3 years and its so exciting to meet them again after a long time.I know they all felt the same way too and we are like kids jumping and hugging. So there, I don't mind the bands playing rock , sometimes really ear tearing sounds, I just enjoy talking, giggling, laughing on the sides, posing like kids and exchanging stories, promising to get more in touch after this event. Oh? promise?

Will post that event's photos later.. got to get some sleep now.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Trying to change some

Days when I can still tolerate a cold , windy weather, wearing just a hoodies or sweatshirt are gone. My body now needs thicker kind of jackets as days getting much, much colder. This weather , whether I like it or not brings boredom to me and I am planning to change this.

I'm planning to get back to my old early bird days, I mean days when I can get up as early as 1pm on working days - and retire at 3 or 4 in the morning. As I get older, my routine has changed too. My day actually starts at 3 to 4pm and bedtime at 6 or 7 in the morning , time when other people are just starting to drink their morning coffee or eat their breakfast and for some old folks here in China, start their daily Taichi session. Early rises energize me and set a good mood for the day, but waking up is one thing- getting out of bed is another. And I decided to make this winter time like "summer", starting today.

I was thinking how to get myself to sleep so I can start my plan today. I just finished practicing some new songs which are scheduled for rehearsal on next Wednesday. I've to listen to these three songs many times, again and again as musicians have to. I love the beat and Its always good to practice kind of these upbeat music. It makes me young. Now, that's the problem. Music never drain me, it will always keep me awake. Unless I listen to jazz like mellow kind of bossanova. Them make me sleep. Not because its boring but because it soothes.

I'm writing my thoughts down while listening to Astrud Gilberto--.I'm glad I did. I find it relaxing and writing, a one good way for reflection. Eyes are half closed now, my busy and productive day will ensure a deep sleep and sweet dreams , hopefully. Maybe I'll even manage to get up as early as 4pm later. And that includes on my prayers.

Monday 15 November 2010

One of the best days of the year

I've called home just now. Heard that my niece and nephew got their 13th month pay and bonuses for the holiday season. Wow I said. One of the best Christmasses. Both had their jobs right after college. I'm happy for them.

Fast approaching Christmas season makes me feel excited and blue at the same time. I am away, far away from home , again for the 22nd time, I will be celebrating Christmas away from my loved ones. This is the best time of the year when everybody's celebrating in my home country for Jesus's birthday and I am sad that I can't be with them. There's always a reason for everything. I accept it.

Growing up, my mother always had our clothes ready for the holiday season. Nice foods, christmas tree and lanterns adorns the house. Christmas carols played on air from the beginning of the month of December, some , as early as November. The smell of oranges and apples brings back memories. When days are hard and getting our table an apple or orange was the most awaited time of the month. When the only time I can eat such fruits was only on Christmas day. They're expensive back then and thats the only chance where some of my mother's hard earned money will be spent for expensive and imported fruits like that. Mother will buy 3 apples and oranges for each of us sisters. We don't eat them right away, we kept them up t bedroom until the next day. The scent fill the room and they smell so good. Best days of the year, ever.

Tis' the season to be jolly, for being blessed with a good life,..for being blessed with boxes of oranges and apples. --Yes, I know I can get as much apples as I want, but I am grateful not just for the apples and oranges and luxuries in life. I am thankful for the love and caring of my family and friends , there are ups and downs but I still feel blessed and I thank God for everything.